BUSINESS INCUBATOR SPOTLIGHT – Trinidad’s National Integrated Business Incubator System (IBIS)


By Tassia Stewart on November 19, 2015

While for many the term incubation still conjures up images of eggs being warmed under artificial heat or tiny newborns cocooned in shiny glass boxes, business incubation, the process of supporting early-stage entrepreneurs through the start-up phase, has been taking off in the Caribbean. To boost this take-off, Accelerate Caribbean enrolled ten (10) of the Caribbean’s leading business incubators in a 12-month business clinic designed to equip them with the knowledge, skills and experience, to better provide services to the entrepreneurs they serve.

This month our business incubator spotlight turns on the twin island republic of Trinidad & Tobago, to the National Integrated Business Incubator Systems (IBIS). IBIS has shown tremendous potential for growth over the course of the Accelerate Caribbean business incubator clinic and has been selected as the first incubator the spotlight series.

ibis banner

The IBIS programme at the National Entrepreneurship Development Company (NEDCo) was developed by Trinidad’s Ministry of Labour and Small and Micro Enterprise Development (MOLSED) to provide support to assist the growth of new and small enterprises. In addition to working directly with small businesses, IBIS works to encourage the establishment of business incubators throughout Trinidad via collaboration between public and private sector partners including Financiers; Trainers and Service Providers; Mentors; Educational and Research Institutions and Government agencies.

Programme Manager at IBIS Mr. David Roberts says that the hub currently provides support to 104 small business clients in several key areas, namely mentorship, training, office space and financing.

The full story on IBIS coming soon on the blog !

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